Hi everyone,
I wanted to write out a brief note to all of you who patiently waited with us yesterday. Last night on March 26th, we finally launched access to our first ever title, Slender: The Arrival. I’d like to first of all thank each and every one of you for your support. We are a very small independent game development group and we’ve poured absolutely everything we have into this game; we hope you will like what we’ve put together.
With that being said, we had a few problems with the launch last night and for that I’d like to sincerely apologize. On behalf of the entire development team at Blue Isle Studios, and Mark at Parsec Productions, we’d like you to know that we are doing everything we can to make sure you get your copy of the game. Every customer is tremendously important to us and we can absolutely understand your frustrations at the late launch, missing emails, and some download links not working. For this we apologize.
If you are still having trouble accessing your copy of the game, please send us an email to support@blueislestudios.com and one of us will get back to you as soon as we are able to. This was our first ever launch as a studio and we’ve no doubt made some mistakes, but we hope that the game we’ve built can make up for that.
On a positive note, those of you that have been playing have so far reported an extremely positive experience playing the game. There’s a few bugs that we will be fixing right away, but overall, the game’s reception has been great and we are very humbled by this. For that we are grateful.
Thank you and happy gaming!
Alex Tintor,
Founder and Game Designer,
Blue Isle Studios